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Design is a silent ambassador of your brand.

A framework that determines how your brand is perceived
Your brand identity is so much more than a logo or a set of colors and images. In fact, visual element is what comes last.
To give a real life example: can a tailor-made suit be done without taking client's measurement?
Same applies to the visual identity design: without a strategy-driven foundation it might look good, but it won't fit perfectly.
When we talk about foundation, it includes every aspect that makes your brand unique: your values, your purpose, your promise, your customer's journey, your voice and personality. Once you get the foundation right, you will know exactly what will make the most sense for the visual aspect of your brand.
An overlap of these three strategic pillars
is what defines cohesive branding
who you are
where you want to be
what your clients need

Brand Strategy Packages
The workflow I had created for brand strategy sessions is based on my ten years of marketing and business development experience within big international hospitality companies like Hyatt, Starwood and Marriott, working with numerous aspects of branding and marketing.
Every strategy session is personalized to your needs and addresses the challenges of your brand and your market.
When you put brand strategy at the heart of your design, you get the visuals that help your business thrive.
Brand Foundational Strategy Package
This package will get you covered with all the basics of the brand strategy - from creation story to mission, vision, values and brand voice.
How it works:
- we hop on an initial call to understand what stage of brand development you are in, what challenges
you are facing, which aspects of brand development requires more attention and work
- you receive a comprehensive personalized brand questionnaire to fill up
- we set up a date and time for a one-on-one strategy workshop session
- during the workshop we brainstorm and go through a series of custom exercises to define your brand foundation, covering all aspects of your branding, analyzing your market environment and your competition, going over your client profile and setting up a creative direction for a visual component of the brand
- you will receive a brand strategy workbook* that includes a well-defined introduction, brand story, brand mission and vision, brand values, competition analysis and brand positioning, client propfiles, brand personality and tone of voice
* all the content is written by a professional copywriter, so you can use it later for your pitch deck, website, on social media etc.
Start crafting your brand story
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